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Your Guide to Female Low Sex Drive

According to The Kinsey Institute, women between the ages 18 and 29 have sex an average of 112 times per year. Women between 40 to 49 years average only 69 times per year. These statistics mark an almost 50 percent decline when a woman reaches her forties.
Although sexual behavior varies, statistics have shown that people who have sex once or twice a week have a healthier heart, better immune system, lower stress level, and higher degree of general life satisfaction.
If you have not yet reached menopause, but have lost the desire, drive, and passion for healthy intimacy, find out the cause and take action to mend it right away. Life is too short and a happier sex life can make you healthier.


There are many factors that contribute to lagging libido such as aging, fatigue, stress, depression, birth control pills, prescription drug side effects, bad relationships, poor partner performance, and a negative body image. These issues can lower sex hormone levels in the body and affect the brain chemistry.

BirthControl Pills 
It causes the imbalance of these hormones, which stimulate the growth of the labia minors and clitoral foreskin

Botanical Formula For Detoxify & Intensify Orgasm
Natural Hormonal Realignment & Libido Restoration Formula

Fear of Intimacy
When physical intimacy crippled (erectile dysfunction, physical appearance distortion, etc), sexual relationship will become intimidating

Ways To Ignite Your Passion and Desire Again
Feng Shui Tips For Your Bedroom
Aromatherapy For Romance -The Essential Oils That Turn You On!
Sexy Triggers - Great Ways To Start Foreplay

Heavy Menstrual Flow 
suffer from a heavy menstrual flow often have a low libido and chronic fatigue, due to low progesterone and anemia

Midwives Secret Heavy Menstrual Flow Remedy
Botanical Tincture For Heavy Menstrual Relief

Urinary Tract Infection
UTIs limited to your bladder can be painful, annoying, and ruining your desire to have sex. But serious consequences can occur

Cranberry Remedy with Hisbiscus
Femme Recovery & Immune Enhancement Formula
Ways For Improving Vaginal Hygiene & Wellness

When estrogen level drops, most women would start experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, loss of libido

Revive Passion for Menopausal Women
Feng Shui For Better Love Making
Aromatherapy For Romance -The Essential Oils That Turn You On!

Diet & Lifestyle

Moderate exercise increases the sex drive in women, especially during the period of hormonal fluctuation. An accelerated heartbeat, quickened breathing, and increased whole body blood circulation heightens the body’s metabolism and stimulates the brain to produce more sex hormones.
You can increase your natural vaginal lubrication by drinking six to eight glasses of water daily and consuming hydrating fats from avocados, walnuts, olive oil, and almonds.
Use high quality lubricants to protect the vaginal tissues from abrasion due to friction from sexual intercourse. Abrasive and uncomfortable intercourse is certain to lower your desire for an additional round of sex play.

Herbal Remedies

There are many natural remedies that can re-ignite a sex drive that has become lackluster while ensuring a healthy and happier sex life. Such remedies can promote nitric oxide production, which increases blood flow and relaxes muscles. Long-term usage of herbal supplements can promote sexual desire and increase sex hormone production and blood flow.
Keep your vaginal flora in balance to avoid vaginal infection. If you are prone to frequent infections, take natural remedies to correct the problem as soon as possible. Some probiotic foods such as organic yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir are beneficial, and should be considered when adjusting your diet to accommodate the herbal formulas.

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